Tuesday, October 24, 2006

New Video Listings!

I just added my first video listing to my website. I am so excited! In my opinion, photos and media are crucial to successfully marketing real estate. Most good agents have great pictures of their properties. Some use the virtual tours. I have never felt like the virtual tours were all that great. Some people love them and they do have a place in real estate. For me individually, it just never seemed like it had the intended effect. But I do believe in the power of the video listing. There are television shows on cable channels where agents can advertise their properties in 30 second "listings" with still pictures, fluffy words, and jazz in the background. There are even some shows that are more loose and informal. The challenge is that after a while, you are still blending in with every other agent and your seller's property gets lost. Again, it is a tool that has a place and we use it. But, having a video listing that can be introduced into the "electronic conversation" as I like to say, and targeted to people who have some interest in a seller's home, rather than hoping they see it on channel fifty something, is a very powerful tool. Please let me know what you think. I am excited about your feedback for possible uses of the video listings. For example, I could offer them as a service for people relocating. That type of thing. Our first one is done and I see alot of room for improvement. However, one of my mentors told me once to not let perfect stand in the way of better. I hope you enjoy!

Friday, October 20, 2006

September Home Sales

The numbers are out for September home sales in Nashville. The market is staying strong. The long and short of it is that, like much of the country our inventory is up. The big difference is, SO ARE OUR SALES. It is keeping our market healthy and balanced between buyers and sellers and offering many opportunities for investment real estate.

Dyersburg and West Tennessee Real Estate Market

Wow! What an exciting year so far. Not only is our market staying healthy, but there are bright spots all around the state. Here is a link to a great firm in West Tennessee in the city of Dyersburg. Check it out and give Mike Frazier a call if you are interested in property in that area of Tennessee. Also, I have added a link to his blog in the sidebar.