Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Nashville Investment Real Estate

With a hot condo and townhome market, investing in Nashville real estate has never been better. There are many great opportunities, some of which have never really existed in this market. One area that I am urging my clients to look at is the new construction luxury townhomes and condos that are coming up in downtown Nashville and in Williamson county. If you are from Nashville or if you are from another part of the country and would like information about the projects that are coming available in Middle Tennessee, just email me at and I will get you started.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Okay, here is my personal take on the Friday the 13th mystique. I have always had great days on Friday the 13th. When I was a kid, my number in baseball was 13 and I guess it was always more lucky than unlucky. I am not for sure how Friday the 13th became what it is today. I am sure I could look it up. If you know, please share. When I was a kid, there was a move that came out called Saturday the 14th, I think. Basically, from what I can remember, it was a slapstick comedy about the power actually being worse on Saturday the 14th, as opposed to Friday the 13th. I remember thinking that it was a great concept, but not quite funny. I would have to see it again, although I don't think that 20 years later it would seem that different. I am not a superstitious person, however, I do believe in the innate power of the universe. I do think all things have a divine order and I am pretty sure that it does its thing without regard to our measure of linear time, so that would do away with the "bad things happen on Friday the 13th" theory. I would love to hear either your comments and/or stories.

Investing in Real Estate

The Middle Tennessee Area is becoming a popular place to invest in real estate and I am not just talking about someone who lives here buying some rental property. Because of the anticipated growth of our area (some estimates suggest as many as 400,000 new households in the next ten years), the stable economy, low taxes and affordable of housing, investors around the country are taking note. There was an article in one of our local papers about this very subject. Investors are snapping up new construction townhomes, condos, and single family residences before they are complete just to turn around and rent them out. This is meeting with some resistance from homeowners who are wanting to ensure that the pride of ownership is still able to shine brightly in their neighborhood. While this is true, I think it is unfair to characterize all renters as people who would not take care of their property. I have found that people who find themselves in a nice area, tend to respond in kind. If they find themselves surrounded by overgrown lawns and falling shutters, they become less likely to do differently themselves. I don't know why this is, it just is. So, if you find that an investor has purchased property near you, go make acquaintances with your new neighbor, show the same pride in ownership that you would already, and I would be willing to bet that you will be pleasantly surprised at the result. You will also have the chance to make a new friend. I have always been of the opinion that the person who should bear the responsibility for maintaining the residence is the owner. I think that putting pressure on the property owner to show pride in ownership and screen potential renters is much more effective than just assuming that whoever has moved in next door is going to make the street less attractive. After all, if pride in ownership is the mantra, then I think it should be the owner leading the way.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Getting the Year Started

Well, now it's here! The calendar has turned and 2006 is officially under way. I am excited about the new year and all of the opportunity that exists. It is also a time where I think about all of the things that I would like to cut out, or cut down on, do without in the coming year. Invariably, less cokes and sweets and fast food, etc. seems to always come to the top. This year, however, instead of focusing on all of the things that I plan to do without, I think of all the things that I want to do more. Help more, love more, contribute more! I am making an effort to fill life with the things that are important instead of focusing on taking out of life. No matter what you have planned for yourself for the coming year, I wish you the best of luck.

Nashville Real Estate Still a Great Bargain

For those of us who have grown up in the Middle Tennessee area, it is still hard to believe sometimes how much the price of real estate has risen. On a relative scale, however, real estate in Middle Tennessee is still very affordable. As a matter of fact, according to the latest figures from CNN/Money, Nashville real estate is still undervalued by 1 percent! This is in contrast to some of the higher priced markets in the country where real estate can be overvalued by as much as 20 - 30 percent! With the median income of Middle Tennesseeans rising and the speculated growth in our area should make for a real estate market ripe with opportunities for buyers and sellers.