The Middle Tennessee Area is becoming a popular place to invest in real estate and I am not just talking about someone who lives here buying some rental property. Because of the anticipated growth of our area (some estimates suggest as many as 400,000 new households in the next ten years), the stable economy, low taxes and affordable of housing, investors around the country are taking note. There was an article in one of our local papers about this very subject. Investors are snapping up new construction townhomes, condos, and single family residences before they are complete just to turn around and rent them out. This is meeting with some resistance from homeowners who are wanting to ensure that the pride of ownership is still able to shine brightly in their neighborhood. While this is true, I think it is unfair to characterize all renters as people who would not take care of their property. I have found that people who find themselves in a nice area, tend to respond in kind. If they find themselves surrounded by overgrown lawns and falling shutters, they become less likely to do differently themselves. I don't know why this is, it just is. So, if you find that an investor has purchased property near you, go make acquaintances with your new neighbor, show the same pride in ownership that you would already, and I would be willing to bet that you will be pleasantly surprised at the result. You will also have the chance to make a new friend. I have always been of the opinion that the person who should bear the responsibility for maintaining the residence is the owner. I think that putting pressure on the property owner to show pride in ownership and screen potential renters is much more effective than just assuming that whoever has moved in next door is going to make the street less attractive. After all, if pride in ownership is the mantra, then I think it should be the owner leading the way.